Media Pack

Thank you for your interest in advertising with Jolly CBD Gummies Online Magazine. Our media pack provides a comprehensive overview of our magazine, audience demographics, advertising options, and pricing details to help you make an informed decision about promoting your brand through our platform.

About Jolly CBD Gummies Online Magazine:

Jolly CBD Gummies Online Magazine is a leading digital publication dedicated to all things CBD gummies. Our magazine offers a wealth of informative and engaging content, including articles on the benefits of CBD gummies, dosage recommendations, product reviews, recipes, and the latest trends in the industry. With a focus on wellness, joy, and a vibrant community, we strive to be a trusted resource for CBD enthusiasts and those looking to explore the world of CBD gummies.

Audience Demographics:

Our audience consists of individuals who are actively seeking information and products related to CBD gummies. Here are some key demographic insights:

  • Age Range: Primarily between 25 and 45 years old
  • Gender: Predominantly female, but with a significant male readership as well
  • Geographic Reach: Primarily United States, but with an international readership
  • Interests: Wellness, natural health alternatives, stress relief, relaxation, and personal development

Advertising Options:

  1. Banner Ads:
    • Placements: Homepage, article pages, category pages
    • Sizes: Leaderboard (728×90), Skyscraper (160×600), Rectangle (300×250)
    • Pricing: Contact our advertising team for current rates and availability
  2. Sponsored Content:
    • Engaging articles crafted to align with your brand’s message
    • Prominent placement on our website and newsletter
    • Pricing: Contact our advertising team for current rates and availability
  3. Product Reviews:
    • In-depth reviews of your CBD gummies or related products
    • Objective analysis and honest feedback from our expert reviewers
    • Pricing: Contact our advertising team for current rates and availability
  4. Featured Brand Spotlight:
    • Exclusive feature highlighting your brand, products, and unique offerings
    • Dedicated article and promotion across our website and social media platforms
    • Pricing: Contact our advertising team for current rates and availability
  5. Custom Partnerships:
    • Tailored advertising packages to suit your specific marketing goals
    • Collaborative campaigns, giveaways, or sponsored events
    • Pricing: Contact our advertising team to discuss custom partnership options

Contact Us:

To request our complete media pack, which includes detailed information on pricing, ad specifications, and available dates, please email our advertising team at [email protected] We will promptly respond to your inquiry and provide you with the necessary information to move forward with your advertising campaign.

We look forward to partnering with you and helping your brand shine in front of our engaged audience at Jolly CBD Gummies Online Magazine.

Stay jolly and advertise with us!

The Jolly CBD Gummies Online Magazine Team